Waterfall Detector-inator 9000


This miracle of modern electronics allows you to quickly identify a range of practices from just bad scrum to traditional waterfall.

1 in stock



Let’s face it world, there are so many scrum mutations and self proclaimed experts on the scene it’s hard to quickly sort out what’s really “agile” and what’s just “old school top down waterfall” masquerading as scrum. Well folks have we got the tool for you…introducing the Waterfall Detector-inator 9000! This miracle of modern electronics allows you to quickly identify a range of practices from just misguided scrum to traditional waterfall. Here are a few practical uses…

  • Are you a hiring manager looking to onboard an agile transformation consulting group and having a hard time cutting through the buzz word riddled sales pitch to find out what they’ve really done? The Detector-inator 9000 has a very useful “sensitivity” knob that will help you quickly identify exactly how much agile experience and benefit they can bring to your org!
  • Are you a Scrum Master in a 30 minute interview trying to figure out if the hiring company wants a Scrum Master or if they really want a Project Manager and they’re just using the word Scrum Master? Feel like you’re getting no where fast while swapping industry jargon and unclear terms? Simply whip out the Detector-inator 9000 and you’ll know exactly how much work you’ll have to do to create an agile environment in your potential role!

Order quick supplies are limited! Batteries sold separately.

Additional information

Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions 60 × 15 × 15 in

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