In the agile world of timeboxes don’t underestimate unstructured conversation

Wrapped up another great PI planning last week. As part of just about every planning I’ve done typically the company includes a happy hour/dinner after day 1, this is a picture of a unique idea…bring the party to the parking lot via foodtrucks! I’ve…

How an Old Jeep can help rescue your retrospectives

It’s time to stop starting

If all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail…

The most important step toward achieving your vision today might not be on your “to do” list

I had the privilege to spend some time in Aspen Colorado this week meeting with some influential leaders that have an amazing vision for their organization. I was truly inspired and immediately stepped into “doing what I do” and started helping them break that…

What teams can do when mgmt “doesn’t get” agile

Inevitably when I talk to agile teams and their scrum masters I almost always hear how management “doesn’t get it” and is continually making unreasonable requests of the team. However after digging into the situation I usually find there’s a misunderstanding of what needs…

How to make Agile fail


How a ’72 F100 Can help You do Better Employee Performance Reviews

What can be better than a mashup of classic trucks and management advice? I’d love your thoughts!